Squared Up’s Web-API tile allows it to integrate information from any web-service that returns JSON data.
With Polaris, a free and open source framework it is possible to build web-services just in PowerShell.
This example explains the steps to create web-service in Polaris which returns locked out user information and how to integrate them nicely in Squared Up.

- A windows server that will host your Polaris web-service
- On that server PowerShell version 5.1
- Active Directory Users & Computer and its module installed ( part of the RSAT )
- Administrative permissions on to install Polaris (Install-Module -Name Polaris)
- Create an empty directory adsvc insight of C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Polaris
- Open the Windows firewall to allow incoming connection to the port you specify, here 8082.
- Limit this port to only accept request from your Squared Up server.
- NSSM – the Non-Sucking Service Manage to run your web-service script as a service.
The solution consists of two PowerShell scripts. The first one exports locked user information into a JSON file. It needs to be scheduled via Task Scheduler to provide up-to-date information for the dashboard. It would be also possible to extract locked user information on each dashboard load, but that would be very slow.
Export Script
Create a directory C:\ScheduledTasks and copy the following lines into text file. Name it Export-ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.ps1. Place the following content into it:
Import-module ActiveDirectory $jsonFilePath = 'C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json' # storing raw active directory information in ArrayList $rawLockedUersList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,Enabled,PasswordNeverExpires,LockedOut,` LastLogonDate,PasswordExpired,DistinguishedName | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Enabled) { $null = $rawLockedUersList.Add($_) } } # helper function to get account lock out time Function Get-ADUserLockedOutTime { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$userID ) $time = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties AccountLockoutTime ` | Select-Object @{Name = 'AccountLockoutTime'; Expression = {$_.AccountLockoutTime | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}} $rtnValue = $time | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AccountLockoutTime $rtnValue } #End Function Get-ADUserLockedOutTime # main function that sorts and formats the output to fit better in the dashboard Function Get-ADUsersRecentLocked { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Collections.ArrayList]$userList ) $tmpList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $tmpList = $userList | Sort-Object -Property LastLogonDate -Descending $tmpList = $tmpList | Select-Object -Property Name,` @{Name = 'UserId' ; Expression = { $_.SamAccountName }}, ` @{Name = 'OrgaUnit' ; Expression = { ($_.DistinguishedName -replace('(?i),DC=\w{1,}|CN=|\\','')) -replace(',OU=',' / ')} }, ` Enabled,PasswordExpired,PasswordNeverExpires, ` @{Name = 'LastLogonDate'; Expression = { $_.LastLogonDate | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" }}, ` @{Name = 'AccountLockoutTime'; Expression = { (Get-ADUserLockedOutTime -userID $_.SamAccountName) }} $tmpList = $tmpList | Sort-Object -Property AccountLockoutTime -Descending # adding a flag character for improved visualization (alternating) $rtnList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $itmNumber = $tmpList.Count for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $itmNumber; $counter ++) { $flack = '' if ($counter % 2) { $flack = '' } else { $flack = '--' } $userProps = @{ UserId = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].UserId) OrgaUnit = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].OrgaUnit) Enabled = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].Enabled) PasswordExpired = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].PasswordExpired) PasswordNeverExpires = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].PasswordNeverExpires) LastLogonDate = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].LastLogonDate) AccountLockoutTime = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].AccountLockoutTime) } $userObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $userProps $null = $rtnList.Add($userObject) Write-Host $userObject } #end for () $rtnList } #End Function Get-ADUsersRecentLocked if (Test-Path -Path $jsonFilePath) { Remove-Item -Path $jsonFilePath -Force } # exporting result to a JSON file and storing it on $jsonFilePath Get-ADUsersRecentLocked -userList $rawLockedUersList | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $jsonFilePath -Encoding utf8
Publish Script
Create a directory C:\WebSrv and create an empty text file in it. Rename the file Publish-ADData.ps1. Place the following content into it. This directory contains your web-service.
Import-Module -Name Polaris $polarisPath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Polaris' # runs every time the code runs and ensure valid JSON output $middleWare = @" `$PolarisPath = '$polarisPath\adsvc' if (-not (Test-path `$PolarisPath)) { [void](New-Item `$PolarisPath -ItemType Directory) } if (`$Request.BodyString -ne `$null) { `$Request.Body = `$Request.BodyString | ConvertFrom-Json } `$Request | Add-Member -Name PolarisPath -Value `$PolarisPath -MemberType Noteproperty "@ New-PolarisRouteMiddleware -Name JsonBodyParser -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($middleWare)) -Force # the Get route is launched every time the web-service is called New-PolarisGetRoute -Path "/adsvc" -ScriptBlock { $rawLockedUersList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $rawData = Get-Content -Path 'C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json' $jsonData = $rawData | ConvertFrom-Json if ($jsonData.Count -ne 0) { $jsonData | ForEach-Object { $null = $rawLockedUersList.Add($_) } } $reportTime = Get-item -Path C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LastWriteTime | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" $maxNoOfUsers = $null $maxNoOfUsers = $request.Query['maxNoOfUsers'] $getReportTime = 'no' $getReportTime = $request.Query['getReportTime'] $getLockedUserCount = 'no' $getLockedUserCount = $request.Query['getLockedUserCount'] #if getLockedUserCoutn is yes then return number of locked users if ($getLockedUserCount -eq 'yes') { $noProps = @{ 'number' = $rawLockedUersList.Count } $noObj = New-Object psobject -Property $noProps $response.Send(($noObj | ConvertTo-Json)) } #if maxNumber is a number than return locked user information if ($maxNoOfUsers -match '\d') { $rawLockedUersList = $rawLockedUersList | Select-Object -First $maxNoOfUsers $response.Send(($rawLockedUersList | ConvertTo-Json)) } #if getReportTime is yes then the time of export will be returned if ($getReportTime -eq 'yes') { $tmProps = @{ 'Time' = $reportTime 'DisplayName' = [System.TimezoneInfo]::Local | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName } $tmObj = New-Object psobject -Property $tmProps $response.Send(($tmObj | ConvertTo-Json)) } } -Force Start-Polaris -Port 8082 #Keep Polaris running while($true) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10 }
Configure your web-service to run as a service
Download NSSM and store the nssm.exe in C:\WebSrv . Run the following PowerShell line to convert Publish-ADData.ps1 into a service. – Use ISE or VSCode.
function Install-Service { Param( [string]$nssmPath = '.', [string]$Name, [string]$Description, [string]$Executable, [string]$Arguments ) $nssm = Join-Path -Path $nssmPath -ChildPath 'nssm.exe' & $nssm install $name $executable $arguments $null = & $nssm set $name Description $description Start-Service $name } Install-Service -Name WWW-Polaris-ADUserLockData -Description 'PowerShell HTTP API Service - Serves ADUserLockedInfo via REST' -Executable powershell.exe -Arguments '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command C:\WebSrv\Publish-ADData.ps1'
The result can be found in the Windows Services:

From your Squared Up server, start a web browser and query the web-service.

Dashboard Building
Add a provider
In Squared Up, switch to System and add a new WEB API provider. The URL is the one of your Polaris web-service.

Add the Dashboard
Create a new dashboard and name it Locked User Info for example. Add a Web-API tile to show the locked user count information.
1- Locked User Counter

2 – Locked Users Details

3 – Report time

This walk through shows how to integrate own data via Polaris as REST web-service.
Hope it is useful to one of you.
Feedback is appreciated