Squared Up dashboard for locked Active Directory Users – Only in PowerShell


Squared Up’s Web-API tile allows it to integrate information from any web-service that returns JSON data.

With Polaris, a free and open source framework it is possible to build web-services just in PowerShell.

This example explains the steps to create web-service in Polaris which returns locked out user information and how to integrate them nicely in Squared Up.

Locked User Dashboard


  • A windows server that will host your Polaris web-service
  • On that server PowerShell version 5.1
  • Active Directory Users & Computer and its module installed ( part of the RSAT )
  • Administrative permissions on to install Polaris (Install-Module -Name Polaris)
  • Create an empty directory adsvc insight of C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Polaris
  • Open the Windows firewall to allow incoming connection to the port you specify, here 8082.
  • Limit this port to only accept request from your Squared Up server.
  • NSSM – the Non-Sucking Service Manage to run your web-service script as a service.


The solution consists of two PowerShell scripts. The first one exports locked user information into a JSON file. It needs to be scheduled via Task Scheduler to provide up-to-date information for the dashboard. It would be also possible to extract locked user information on each dashboard load, but that would be very slow.

Export Script

Create a directory C:\ScheduledTasks and copy the following lines into text file. Name it Export-ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.ps1. Place the following content into it:

Import-module ActiveDirectory

$jsonFilePath = 'C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json'

# storing raw active directory information in ArrayList
$rawLockedUersList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,Enabled,PasswordNeverExpires,LockedOut,`
                                    LastLogonDate,PasswordExpired,DistinguishedName | ForEach-Object {
                                        if ($_.Enabled) {
                                            $null = $rawLockedUersList.Add($_)

# helper function to get account lock out time
Function Get-ADUserLockedOutTime {


    $time = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties AccountLockoutTime `
        | Select-Object @{Name = 'AccountLockoutTime'; Expression = {$_.AccountLockoutTime | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}}

    $rtnValue = $time | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AccountLockoutTime


} #End Function Get-ADUserLockedOutTime

# main function that sorts and formats the output to fit better in the dashboard
Function Get-ADUsersRecentLocked {


    $tmpList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
    $tmpList = $userList | Sort-Object -Property LastLogonDate -Descending
    $tmpList = $tmpList  | Select-Object -Property Name,`
                    @{Name = 'UserId' ; Expression = { $_.SamAccountName }}, `
                    @{Name = 'OrgaUnit' ; Expression = { ($_.DistinguishedName -replace('(?i),DC=\w{1,}|CN=|\\','')) -replace(',OU=',' / ')} }, `
                    Enabled,PasswordExpired,PasswordNeverExpires, `
                    @{Name = 'LastLogonDate'; Expression = { $_.LastLogonDate | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" }}, `
                    @{Name = 'AccountLockoutTime'; Expression = { (Get-ADUserLockedOutTime -userID $_.SamAccountName) }}

    $tmpList = $tmpList | Sort-Object -Property AccountLockoutTime -Descending                    
    # adding a flag character for improved visualization (alternating)
    $rtnList   = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList    
    $itmNumber = $tmpList.Count
    for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $itmNumber; $counter ++) {

        $flack = ''
        if ($counter % 2) { 
            $flack = ''
        } else {
            $flack = '--'

        $userProps = @{
            UserId               = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].UserId)
            OrgaUnit             = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].OrgaUnit)
            Enabled              = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].Enabled)
            PasswordExpired      = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].PasswordExpired)
            PasswordNeverExpires = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].PasswordNeverExpires)
            LastLogonDate        = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].LastLogonDate)
            AccountLockoutTime   = $($flack + $tmpList[$counter].AccountLockoutTime)

        $userObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $userProps
        $null = $rtnList.Add($userObject)        
        Write-Host $userObject

    } #end for ()          


} #End Function Get-ADUsersRecentLocked

if (Test-Path -Path $jsonFilePath) {
    Remove-Item -Path $jsonFilePath -Force

# exporting result to a JSON file and storing it on $jsonFilePath
Get-ADUsersRecentLocked -userList $rawLockedUersList  | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $jsonFilePath -Encoding utf8 

Publish Script

Create a directory C:\WebSrv and create an empty text file in it. Rename the file Publish-ADData.ps1. Place the following content into it. This directory contains your web-service.

Import-Module -Name Polaris
$polarisPath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Polaris'

# runs every time the code runs and ensure valid JSON output
$middleWare = @"
    `$PolarisPath = '$polarisPath\adsvc'
    if (-not (Test-path `$PolarisPath)) {
        [void](New-Item `$PolarisPath -ItemType Directory)
    if (`$Request.BodyString -ne `$null) {
        `$Request.Body = `$Request.BodyString | ConvertFrom-Json
    `$Request | Add-Member -Name PolarisPath -Value `$PolarisPath -MemberType Noteproperty    

New-PolarisRouteMiddleware -Name JsonBodyParser -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($middleWare)) -Force

# the Get route is launched every time the web-service is called 
New-PolarisGetRoute -Path "/adsvc" -ScriptBlock {
    $rawLockedUersList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList    

    $rawData  = Get-Content -Path 'C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json'
    $jsonData = $rawData | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($jsonData.Count -ne 0) {
        $jsonData | ForEach-Object {
            $null = $rawLockedUersList.Add($_)
    $reportTime = Get-item -Path C:\ScheduledTasks\SquaredUpExports\ADLockedAndExpiredUsers.json `
                    | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LastWriteTime | Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
    $maxNoOfUsers = $null    
    $maxNoOfUsers = $request.Query['maxNoOfUsers']   

    $getReportTime = 'no'
    $getReportTime = $request.Query['getReportTime'] 
    $getLockedUserCount = 'no'
    $getLockedUserCount = $request.Query['getLockedUserCount'] 
    #if getLockedUserCoutn is yes then return number of locked users
    if ($getLockedUserCount -eq 'yes') {
        $noProps = @{ 'number' = $rawLockedUersList.Count }
        $noObj = New-Object psobject -Property $noProps           
        $response.Send(($noObj | ConvertTo-Json))        

    #if maxNumber is a number than return locked user information
    if ($maxNoOfUsers -match '\d') {
        $rawLockedUersList = $rawLockedUersList | Select-Object -First $maxNoOfUsers
        $response.Send(($rawLockedUersList | ConvertTo-Json))                

    #if getReportTime is yes then the time of export will be returned    
    if  ($getReportTime -eq 'yes') {
        $tmProps = @{
            'Time' = $reportTime
            'DisplayName' = [System.TimezoneInfo]::Local | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
        $tmObj = New-Object psobject -Property $tmProps           
        $response.Send(($tmObj | ConvertTo-Json))        

} -Force

Start-Polaris -Port 8082 

#Keep Polaris running
while($true) {
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10

Configure your web-service to run as a service

Download NSSM and store the nssm.exe in C:\WebSrv . Run the following PowerShell line to convert Publish-ADData.ps1 into a service. – Use ISE or VSCode.

function Install-Service {
        [string]$nssmPath = '.',

    $nssm = Join-Path -Path $nssmPath -ChildPath 'nssm.exe'
    & $nssm install $name $executable $arguments
    $null = & $nssm set $name Description $description
    Start-Service $name

Install-Service -Name WWW-Polaris-ADUserLockData -Description 'PowerShell HTTP API Service - Serves ADUserLockedInfo via REST' -Executable powershell.exe -Arguments '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command C:\WebSrv\Publish-ADData.ps1'

The result can be found in the Windows Services:


From your Squared Up server, start a web browser and query the web-service.

Locked User Account
Report Time
Locked User Details

Dashboard Building

Add a provider

In Squared Up, switch to System and add a new WEB API provider.  The URL is the one of your Polaris web-service.

Adding WEB-API provider

Add the Dashboard

Create a new dashboard and name it Locked User Info for example. Add a Web-API tile to show the locked user count information.

1-      Locked User Counter

choose the recently created Provider
name the URL with ?getLockedUserCount=yes
skip headers & data with next
specify the key path with .number
optimally, specify the size, complete with done.

2 – Locked Users Details

select WEB API (Grid)
skip the scoping with next
choose the provider previously created
as a URL type in ?MaxNoOfUsers=20
as a key path name propery
edit the columns via edit
place the following code to ensure alternating colors and the removal of “–“
finalize with done

3 – Report time

Add a last WEB-API tile type grid and specify the following URL ?getReportTime=yes


This walk through shows how to integrate own data via Polaris as REST web-service.

Hope it is useful to one of you.

Feedback is appreciated

Build REST Service in PowerShell using Polaris


The author say that Polaris is “a cross-platform, minimalist web framework for PowerShell.”

This framework allows it to easily build your own RESTful webservice with only PowerShell. Polaris is free, open source, and also written in PowerShell.

The project is hosted on GitHub. Tyler Leonhardt together with Micah Rairdon and other members in the community are maintaining the project actively.



The following terms are good to be known when working with REST.


Representational State Transfer (REST) provides a standardized interface commonly used for machine-to-machine communication.


CRUD abbreviates Create, Read, Update, and Delete. A (REST) API usually provide these common set of functions.


The process of allocating a HTTP method to a webservice function is called mapping.
the table below shows a common practice:

REST method Webservice function
POST C: Create
GET R: Read
PUT U: Update
DELETE D: Delete


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) allows it to conserve structured data like objects, properties, and lists and their relation to each other. Serialization is the procedure to convert virtual objects to be conservable. Deserialization is the other way around. Polaris uses JSON to send and retrieve information, for example:

   “cars”: {


PowerShell offers easy handling with ConvertFrom-Json and ConvertTo-Json.

Consumption via Squared Up

The WEB API TILE from Squared Up allows to read data from a REST service and shows it on a Dashboard. With Polaris you can now query any data source that provides a PowerShell interface to pass it’s information to a dashboard.



Concrete examples will follow.


Further reading

A while ago I blogged on 4sysops an example of using Polaris. It helps to get a first understanding on how it works.
